get to know us

We Make Difference in their Life

Misericordia Foundation is dedicated to intervention in various areas to promote sustainable development in vulnerable communities. These areas of intervention include:

  • Education and Formation: Providing education and training programs that promote human rights, entrepreneurship, and self-promotion for women, young girls, and orphans. The foundation also supports centers for illiteracy, computer, and language learning.
  • Craftsmanship and Technique: Creating social centers for the supervision of women, young girls, and orphans to learn trades such as cutting and sewing, saponification, tapestry, basketry, and doll-making.
  • Health and Environment: Sensitizing the population on STIs, HIV/AIDS, malaria, water-borne diseases, and malnutrition to promote healthy living.
  • Agriculture, Fishing, and Breeding: Improving farming conditions, initiating modern fishing in countries with a positive impact, and promoting the import of improved breeds of farmed animals and agricultural seeds.
  • Microcredit: Granting microcredits on a rotating basis to ensure self-promotion and self-financing of the foundation through the purchase and sale of certain products not present in the environment by creating community canteens.
  • Humanitarian Aid and Human Rights: Providing emergency relief and promoting human rights for vulnerable and/or disaster-stricken populations.
    • Misericordia Foundation works tirelessly to achieve its mission in these areas, promoting unity and cohesion within the African population, leading to effective peace and development in Africa.

Let’s Make a Difference in
the Lives of Others

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